We can set it so a campaign can provide a link to our website as
We can configure this to work in any of the following ways:
  1. The user is temporarily set to also follow your organization, but it displays events from all organizations with no higher ranking for yours.
  2. It displays events from your organization first, followed by events from other organizations.
  3. It only displays events from your organization.
  4. It displays ALL events from your organizations, including ones the user has not selected in their Interests and/or Tags.
In all the above the user's Interests, Tags, location, etc. is used to rank the results for Search-List and Marquee. Ranking is always irrelevant for Search - Map and Calendar.
So... should we have this? The optimum for any organization is to have mode 3 or 4 for them, and everyone else uses the connect.tradewindsstudios.us URL. I.e., The Tragedy of the Commons.
My first question therefore is should we offer this. If we do not, then everyone will have their volunteers seeing events from a mix of organizations. You all might be better off with this. This arguably could encompass mode #1 above.
My second question is, if we do this, which of the 4 modes do we use above?